Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Timeless Music

Today's music is without a doubt very different from music 50 years ago, or even 15 years ago for that matter. The age of "pop rap" is upon us and offers poorly constructed lyrics with a catchy beat and chorus. Don't get me wrong some music put out today is great, there are some truly great musicians out there, but do you think the music that is being put out right now will survive the test of time similarly to lets say The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, or the Rolling Stones? I really hope everyone just answered "no" in their heads. The artists I just listed are among the legends of rock n roll and music in general, Bob Dylan's second album, first album with 100% all original songs, "The Freewheelin Bob Dylan," which did I mention is a classic, featured such songs as "Blowin In the Wind,"(which was famously written by Dylan in just ten minutes), "Don't Think Twice It's Alright," and "Girl From The North Country," all make up this great album that was released in May of 1963, and did I mention Dylan wrote it when he was at the just so tender age of 22, truly amazing.
I really feel that 60's and 70's era was THE era of music, THE era of pure expression through art. That is why you see these amazing artists last 30, 40, even 50 years, and surviving generation after generation. The crazy fact is when our parent's (the baby boom generation) are old and grey they will be playing classics like The Beatles "Hey Jude" or Bob Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man," and thirty years later much of our generation will be too.


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