Will the Google Nexus One Self-Destruct Android?
Leading up to the release of the Google Nexus One, many have wondered if by creating their own device is Google putting a self-destruct timer on their coveted Android platform. My thinking is that it will maybe cause a split in some partnerships but ultimately Google will hang on to their most valued partners. Around many of the forums I have looked into many people have asked recent purchasers of the Motorola Droid if they will get envious of this new “Google Phone?” Many have answered, “No.” The Nexus one will have a 3.7 in OLED display and will run Google newest version of Android 2.1, while the Droid has 3.7 in non-OLED display, and runs Android 2.0.1. All in all the Nexus One isn’t that big of step up from the Moto Droid. Sure the Nexus does pack a super fast 1 GHz Snap Dragon Processor, but software wise 2.1 isn’t that much better than 2.0.1. As for the rest of the Android ecosystem the Nexus One might put a little dent but nothing crazy that won’t be repaired with future device releases. The Nexus will be released initially on T-Mobile’s network (kind of a downer) but will come to Verizon in the spring of 2010 (very excited). However, being a Droid owner myself, I am not finding myself being in anyway mad at Google about my purchase of the Droid. The Droid is a great phone and other great phones are the horizon everyday that improves on present day technology. Google is making a huge effort to totally transform the way Americans go about purchasing cell phones and their plans, and making changes to such an established market is going to have its rough patches, but Google is trying to keep all partners happy. CEO of Motorola was even on Stage with Google and HTC at the Nexus One release and more importantly, on the Google.com/Phone website there is a Verizon option that is not yet available but underneath it reads “Can’t wait for your Verizon Nexus One? Click here.” That click here link brings you directly to the Motorola Droid’s page on Verizon’s website.
Therefore as you can see Google is doing its best to make everyone happy. Like I said trying to make major changes to an all ready established process will have its bumps but what Google is trying to do, releasing unlocked phones, letting you choose what phone you want and what service provider to choose is an amazing idea and would totally revolutionize the cell phone industry.
I definitely agree with how, as you emphasized, Google is working to accomodate all of its partners as well as the interests of its customers. I may be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere (a while ago) that in Europe, there is more freedom when choosing phones and service providers.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting though. This notion, as far as I can see, will never happen with Apple (which is why I am an Android fanatic).
It makes me wonder if, in order for this revolution of "pick and choose" on the customer end, will ever be completely open to all phones, service providers, etc.