Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bad Teacher

This is something that I think most students can relate to, getting a bad professor. I am currently in a class this semester that simply put is miserable. The professor is a high leveled professor at this University but let me assure you, her ability to teach is lacking. The class is long, haha, lets just say two and half hours feels like forever. Throughout the semester there have been several assignments where she simply has the assignment written on our syllabus but absolutely no explanation or outline of what she wants. It really has soured my opinion on some of the classes at Fordham. It really takes away from the experience that college is supposed to deliver, us students pay a lot of money to attend and learn at an institution like Fordham, and it really is a major let down when a professor who has clearly been here for years has simply stopped caring it seems. Sure she is smart, she is knowledgeable, but is it so hard to comprehend that not everyone is cut out to teach no matter how smart they are. Not everyone is cut out to be a professional athlete, or medical professional, so why think that everyone that gets a Masters Degree or PhD is cut out to teach our nations young people. Bottom line, not everyone is a great teacher and this course has really made my semester less than stellar.

ps Professor Leshi, this is not an entry about you haha

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